The National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSRLP)  is committed to advancing understanding of the challenges and hard choices facing the very large numbers of Canadians who now bring their case to court without counsel.

Rebuilding Trust

The NSRLP works to promote dialogue and collaboration among all those affected by the self-represented litigant phenomenon, both justice system professionals and litigants themselves. We regularly publish resources designed specifically for SRLs, as well as research reports that examine and illuminate the implications for the justice system.

The NSRLP grew out of the National Self-Represented Litigants Study , published in 2013, which was the first study to document the experiences of SRLs in Canada and the May 2013 Windsor Dialogue Event, that brought together lawyers, judges, courts services staff and justice policy professionals with SRLs to discuss the report’s findings and plan for the future.

We Have a New Project Coordinator!

We are thrilled to announce that Dayna Cornwall has started work as NSRLP’s Coordinator.

Announcing a new NSRLP Resource: “‘My Learned Friend’: Building Constructive Working Relationships Between Self-Represented Litigants and Opposing Counsel”

Imagine a world in which self-represented litigants and lawyers respected and understood one another.Think that’s impossible?
Read “My Learned Friend” for practical strategies, tips and information about how to create effective working relationships between lawyers and self-represented litigants based on better understanding and respect. Free and available here.

CBC’s The National Documentary: “The New Litigants” 

We are delighted that CBC’s The National featured an extended documentary called “The New Litigants”. Filmed last summer with the facilitation of NSRLP in Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, this 19-minute film includes interviews with SRLs, judges and lawyers, and presents the facts about the SRL experience to CBC viewers.

If you missed it, watch the documentary here.

Community Justice Fellow

Nikki Gershbain, National Director of Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC), has been awarded a Community Leadership in Justice Fellowship by the Law Foundation of Ontario. Ms. Gershbain will be partnering with the National Self-Represented Litigants Project in the coming year. Read more here.