This Report collates and analyzes data from Intake Forms completed by SRLs from January to December 2017, a total of 66 respondents.

The data tracks the core demographics – gender, income, education, age etc – of the SRL population. The results are highly consistent with our previous study results, as well as studies conducted in other countries.

Also consistent is the finding that many SRLs begin their case represented by a lawyer, but become self-represented partway through when mounting legal costs become unaffordable. Striking this year is the rise in levels of disasatisfaction with previous legal services.

SRLs tell us their stories in an open format at the end of the survey. This Report also presents themes from those narratives, along with many direct quotes.

One thought on “SRL Intake Report 2017

  1. Steve says:

    Please let me know who can help me with doing the application to appeal in the Supreme Court of Canada.

    My case got dismissed in the court.


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