Written by Keerthi Chintapalli, NSRLP Law Student Research Assistantoriginally published on Slaw, Canada’s online legal magazine.

Since 2013, the NSRLP has gathered data from self-represented litigants (SRLs) across Canada through our SRL Intake Form. After the publication of Julie Macfarlane’s original study on self-representation in 2013, SRLs wished to continue sharing their stories and experiences with the legal system, so the Intake Form was developed as a means to continue collecting this data, as it was clear there was a significant gap in existing organizations and systems and that SRLs’ contributions and experiences were going unheard. Every 1-2 years the NSRLP analyzes the Intake Form data for the previous period, and writes an updated report based on the ongoing trends and newly developing issues in self-representation in Canada.

Our previous intake reports have been released in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2021. We are now excited to announce the release of our latest Intake Report, encompassing data collected from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2023, comprising responses from 268 self-represented litigants. Following are some highlights from this report.

Demographic Data from SRLs

As observed in previous intake reports, the predominant age group among SRL respondents continues to be individuals aged 50 and above. This statistic reflects the trend that individuals over 40 are more likely to face civil or family law disputes. Consistent over the years, this dataset still has a notable absence of younger respondents. Potential explanations could be that younger people face fewer legal issues, choose to handle legal problems through informal dispute-resolution mechanisms, or end up lumping legal issues. More research is needed to explain and further analyze disparities in age brackets in the self-representation process.

SRLs in the sample continue to be highly educated. Almost 40% of respondents have a university degree, and a further 27% have a college diploma. Despite their educational background, navigating self-representation in legal matters remains difficult for many. SRLs also continue to speak a diversity of languages. While most respondents stated that their first language was English, many other first languages were reported in the sample, including French, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu, German, and Polish. However, it should be noted that the Intake Form is currently only available in English. As such, there may be more languages spoken by SRLs that the current data cannot capture, particularly if these litigants use translators or other language services, and many more SRLs navigating the justice system whose first language is not English. The NSRLP feels strongly that this consideration needs to inform the production and delivery of legal information resources going forward.

Barriers to Access to Justice

In line with both Julie Macfarlane’s original study and all subsequent intake reports, the primary barrier cited by respondents was the high cost of lawyers’ fees and the general unaffordability of legal services. They cite this as the primary reason they are self-represented in their legal matter. Similar to previous intake reports, this data suggests that the standards of poverty and income eligibility thresholds used by most provincial Legal Aid organizations are out of date with the current Canadian economic landscape and the income of the average Canadian. Even among respondents who reported earning higher incomes, financial barriers were cited as reasons not to retain a lawyer for the entirety of their cases. To this effect, one respondent wrote: “I slowly was losing my savings and realized my only option was to self-represent.”

An alarming portion of SRLs surveyed also described encountering discrimination based on disability, gender, and race throughout their legal proceedings. Systemic discrimination and racism in the justice system remain significant issues. Combatting these demands greater sensitivity and cultural awareness on the part of judges, lawyers, and other actors within the system.

Disabled Canadians continue to be disproportionately represented within the SRL community. 43% of respondents identified as individuals with cognitive and/or physical impairments. SRLs with disabilities reported encountering additional obstacles during their cases, describing struggles in obtaining accommodations from courts and tribunals, and the overall detrimental impact on their physical and mental well-being of navigating an inaccessible system.

SRL Experiences in the Justice System

The final part of the Intake Form includes an open-ended question prompting SRLs to share their personal experiences and provide advice for others navigating the justice system on their own. Drawing on this open-ended question, a significant portion of each intake report is dedicated to showcasing the firsthand accounts and insights of SRLs in their own words.

Many respondents continue to write about the misperceptions they believe justice system insiders hold about SRLs. Other respondents expressed feeling that the system is stacked against them. One respondent wrote: “I feel like court officials are dismissive of SRLs. I liken this experience to being gaslit, being made to question your perception of reality, being told constantly that you are wrong.” Another respondent described assumptions legal actors made about SRLs: “When I was self-represented and unable to afford a lawyer, judges have assumed that I chose to appear before them self-represented rather than accept the advice of a lawyer.”

Many respondents took the opportunity to address other SRLs, enthusiastic to assist others and advocate for broader reforms within the justice system and its processes. Numerous respondents offered insightful and practical advice to fellow SRLs on how to navigate procedural matters, conduct legal research, and prepare for proceedings. (Examples of this advice can be found in the full Report.)

Imperative User Perspectives

At the NSRLP we’re very grateful for the time respondents take to share their stories and experiences with us every day. We are committed to providing information and resources to support self-represented litigants and to help address the access to justice crisis in our legal system, and this first-hand data informs our work in these regards. The Intake Form is an ongoing and evolving initiative, and we are committed to continuously modifying the Form to respond to changes observed in the legal system and the development of new access to justice issues. In recent iterations we have added questions respecting unbundled legal services and access to mediation. Currently we are in the process of adding questions about SRLs’ use of AI to assist them with their legal matter. We encourage self-represented individuals to continue to share their insights through the Form, and to share with us any feedback on how the Form itself might be improved.

The data from SRLs provides invaluable insights for legal professionals and illuminates the challenges and biases these justice system stakeholders face. As legal actors in the justice system seek to address blind spots and bridge the access to justice gap, it is imperative to actively seek and consider the firsthand perspectives of users.

The full 2021-2023 Self-Represented Litigant Intake Report can be read here.

6 thoughts on “Can Self-Represented Litigants Access Justice? NSRLP’s New Intake Report

  1. Tony Ledsham says:

    I have represented myself in Small Claims, Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal. I have experienced incredible discrimination as a SRL, starting from the court staff, Registrars and even judges. I presided over a military Court Martial, so I am not a neophyte.
    I find my treatment by the legal system absolutely despicable.

    1. Ken Grysiuk says:

      We need help the court system doesn’t provide a fair environment unless you have proper legal representation

  2. Ken Grysiuk says:

    We are dealing with a charter challenge with the wsib/ WCB/ Safe work programs across Canada. There is approximately 30 injured worker’s and the court seems to be supporting the large team of lawyers funded by the WCB and to us we have a guy with great spirit and he is a para legal but he is no match to the 15 plus lawyers and a judge who seems interested but is faced with the background issues that the large corporations like the WCB will create when they do not their demands. The legal system is not as it should be. Without a strong legal advocacy, the system boots you out. This is not fair and this is why we need a good legal team to provide adequate legal direction that can not be pushed over.

  3. I have been representing, myself, in the Canadian courts, for many years now. This has been the result, of not being able to afford, the tremendous cost of legal fees. I have been through all of the Canadian courts, on my own, even all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, by way of a request for leave, to that court. As a self represented litigant, I have come across, various kinds of discrimination, and these all came from the judges, justices of the peace and the court staff. This included, racism, especially, systematic racism, disrespect to me, as an individual, and usually because of their misconceptions, about those who represents themselves, in the court. I also, personally, have experienced, where the staff of the courts, actually tries to personally, interfere, in my legal matters, to the point of even trying to block my efforts, in the court. Right now, I have court staff, who have taken it upon themselves, to disregard my inquiries, blocked my efforts, to have the Chief Justice of the court, look into their actions. This includes also, the registrars, assistant registrars, court managers and the clerks, working in the courts. Some courts that I have not used their services at all, or for the first time, gives me a hard time, filing my documents, in the court. Other courts, that I have been acting as a SRL, for years, knows me by now and knows that I am also familiar, with the procedures of the court. As well as the law, for that matter.

  4. Leslie Watson says:

    I believe it is impossible for self-represented litigants to access justice. I was deemed in a decision by the Court of Appeal for Ontario to have been represented by a lawyer on a summary motion, I surely was not. I was court ordered to attend entirely different motions. When I made a motion at the COA for a stay pending my application to the SCC and to receive the transcripts of that COA hearing my motion was denied. I had to apply for leave to the SCC without a transcript. They will stop you with a security for costs that you cannot pay because they will know that you access the court on a fee waiver certificate. This will be the lawyer argument…she had a lawyer (when you did not) and she is disabled and works when she can and failed to mitigate the loss of employment (meanwhile there is no truth to it at all). The lawyer who would have helped me low pro bono died of cancer early in my case. I should have known I could not do it without him. Don’t believe Court of Appeal judgements that say a person was represented by a lawyer on a summary motion or much else that follows after that. Who will the SCC believe the COA or an SRL? Especially if you are denied your transcripts on a COA motion…. you lose. Don’t waste your time. The Judge will tell you…I redirected your submissions a lot. Meaning…I don’t want to hear from you but I will only listen to the lawyer. Who you may never have even heard of before that day in an ambush like you could have never imagined. Sad state of affairs.

  5. Chris Budgell says:

    The B.C. legislature is set to shut down in less than four weeks and they may not sit again until after the election scheduled for the fall. Meanwhile the long promised major reform has finally been introduced (that’s “first reading”) in the Legal Professions Act – https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/bills/billscurrent/5th42nd:gov21-1. As of today it has received no debate. When it does the government will let the opposition have their say but will ignore them so that they can get the bill enacted.
    Among the points that everyone has missed is that the wording of the bill takes the exclusive licence of the lawyers (and maybe now some paralegals and notaries public) to a new extreme, one that I think might be challengeable under the Charter. Take a look under Part 5 – Licensing and Authority to Practise, at Divisions 1 and 2. I interpret the definition of the Practise of law to mean that no person without a licence could even advise someone who is about the jaywalk why they shouldn’t because of the applicable laws. More generally, that if we talk to each other about the laws we’ll need to be exceedingly careful. The political right in this country talks endlessly about FREEDOM. But the members of the political right parties sitting in B.C.’s legislature will only be protesting about how this legislation offends the legal profession and its alleged “independence”.

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