Written by NSRLP Research Assistant Anjanee Naidu and Dr. Julie Macfarlane; originally published on Slaw, Canada’s online legal magazine.

Self-represented litigants (SRLs) make up a significant percentage of litigants appearing before the court in civil and family cases. In the NSRLP’s 2013 report data provided by provincial ministries of justice indicated that at least 40% of individuals who appeared in provincial family court and at least 30% of litigants in civil court are self-represented.

These statistics are staggering, and it is no secret that SRLs face unique challenges within the court systems across Canada. Although it is the case that Canadian courts operate with the principle of access to justice as a foundational pillar, the reality is that the court system has largely been designed for practitioners who have received formal legal education and training, and not for those who seek the court’s services.

In the 2017 Pintea decision, the Supreme Court of Canada held that to ensure that SRLs are afforded a fair trial, judges should offer them guidance and assistance on procedural matters within the spirit of the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC) Ethical Principles for Judges. The question that Pintea left largely unanswered was: how, exactly?

Pintea has since been considered by courts in cases involving SRLs across Canada. In 2018 the NSRLP published a research report which identified trends in how courts were interpreting and applying the Pintea decision. This report expressed some concern about decisions that suggested SRLs were exploiting their unfamiliarity with the complexities of the legal process to “abuse the system” and the limitations we were starting to see on the application of Pintea.

Since it has now been almost 4 years since the Pintea judgment was rendered by the Supreme Court, it is timely to update our research (please see the full Report here) on how courts are applying, distinguishing, and imposing limitations on this important precedent in their interactions with self-represented parties.

Applying Pintea to assist self-represented litigants

Since 2018, some courts have reinforced the CJC Principles in a way that underscores the importance of judges engaging in active courtroom management where SRLs are concerned. But what does “active courtroom management” look like?

Some cases have applied Pintea by stating that judges should ensure that evidentiary and procedural rules are not used to unjustly hinder the legal interests of SRLs. Additionally, where an SRL commits a minor mistake that is easily rectified, they should not be unjustly penalized. Where an SRL may not be fluent in speaking or understanding the English language, it is important not to let this fact, or opposing counsel’s use of it, penalize the litigant: “fairness requires more” (para 156 per Lauwers, J.A). Moreover, judges should make sure that clarification is provided where legally complex topics present themselves, and refrain from being led by opposing counsel’s arguments.

While there is not – and perhaps never will be – an exhaustive list of what “active courtroom management” looks like, there is definitely a growing body of case law. Based on the CJC Principles, the bottom line is that judges should engage in active courtroom management to the extent that it allows an SRL to meaningfully and fully present their case.

Cases that distinguish Pintea

One prominent theme in the case law is the issue of whether procedural or evidentiary rules are used to unjustly hinder the legal interests of SRLs. This very issue was considered by the Ontario Assessment Review Board in a 2020 proceeding. In holding that the Assessment Review Board did not unjustly hinder the legal interests of an SRL, the Board stated that SRLs have a responsibility to seek procedural assistance prior to their court appearance if they are unclear about their procedural options. It was held to be inappropriate for an SRL to wait until the day of their hearing to seek such help.

While judges have a duty to guide SRLs during their court proceeding, there is also an expectation that SRLs will take appropriate measures to familiarize themselves with the relevant court rules and procedures for their case.

Further limitations on Pintea

The 2018 NSRLP report identified two court-developed limitations on the use of Pintea:

  1. judicial assistance under Pintea may be “forfeit” for previous bad behaviour
  2. judicial assistance may be withheld from “sophisticated” SRLs.

Since 2018, we have noticed that certain courts have continued to develop these limitations. Some courts have suggested that there is a connection between an SRL’s previous court experiences and what are subsequent reasonable expectations of them. Is it fair to assume that an SRL who has appeared in court a few times prior is now more competent as a result?

Courts have continued to reference an SRL’s educational or intelligence level in a further line of reasoning which suggests that an SRL’s educational background in an area unrelated to law is somehow a measure of their competency in court procedures and legal processes.

The concern with these limitations is that they restrict the application of Pintea and the CJC principles in a way not envisaged by the Supreme Court, and inconsistent with the spirit of both. Courts must take care to ensure there is a factual and legally supported basis for arriving at their decisions about courtroom management, and those decisions should not be the result of subjective or prejudicial biases towards SRLs.

In our review of cases since the Fall of 2018, we have identified two additional court-developed limitations:

  1. The CJC Principles in Pintea do not confer a special status on SRLs, and
  2. There is no duty on opposing counsel to assist SRLs.

Some courts have likened the use of arguments advanced by SRLs about Pintea to a “sword” that SRLs use to try to swing a case in their favour. This seems to be an unfair way of penalizing SRLs who are sufficiently well-prepared and knowledgeable that they will refer to Pintea (or perhaps to NSRLP’s summary, available on our website). Instead, in Pintea the Supreme Court seemed to intend to reinforce the ethical obligations that judges owe to SRLs who appear before them. Of course, these obligations or duties have a limit, which is emerging through subsequent case law.

However, what Pintea did make clear was that SRLs could not be treated as if they are formally “the same as” legal counsel. This was clear from both the arguments and questions in the courtroom, and in the final endorsement of the CJC Principles. To now characterise this as “special status” seems like a dog-whistle to “special interest groups” being given “unfair advantage.” The expression “special status” is very similar to the language used in political debates regarding the extension of “levelling treatment” to marginalized groups.

A further line of judicial reasoning has clarified that Pintea does not create a parallel duty on opposing counsel to assist SRLs. The only constraints on their behaviour lie in their rules of professional conduct. In other words, the duty that judges or hearing officers have to assist SRLs is not held by other legal actors in the courtroom.

The “two-way street”

There is no doubt that a fine line exists between balancing the enforcement of rules and appropriate costs when an SRL is acting contrary to court procedures, and the duty to ensure that an SRL has a fair trial and can meaningfully present their case. Since Pintea, courts have turned their attention toward how we can strike a balance between an SRL’s duty to meaningfully prepare their argument, and a judge’s duty to assist an SRL. This has been described as a “two-way street” and some judicial reasoning reflects this.

Some cases have listed specific behaviours that, if exhibited by an SRL, would indicate a lack of preparedness that negates the court’s obligation to assist. Some examples of this type of behaviour include missing the majority of filing deadlines, failure to respond to requests for further documentation, and a failure to procure necessary information despite being granted multiple extensions of time. Additionally, where an SRL is disrespectful, abusive, or fails to take reasonable efforts to prepare their case, judges have no obligation to assist the SRL. Again, this is not an exhaustive list, but it will hopefully serve as a starting point for courts in future cases to further clarify the fine line that delineates the “two-way street.”

Where do we stand now?

In theory, the Pintea decision promotes access to justice, fairness, and equality for all in the courtroom. Some of the case law to date has been useful in clarifying this in practice. Other decisions since 2017 are imposing limitations that raise our concern. Some of this case law appears to be developing a highly subjective standard for evaluating an SRL’s “best effort,” especially with reference to their prior experience and education. Although it is important for an SRL to take reasonable measures in familiarizing themselves with legal procedures, rules, and practices relevant to their case, this “reasonable” expectation should not be a product of a judge’s personal feelings about managing SRLs in their court. Applying a highly subjective standard when assessing an SRL’s “best effort” arguably contradicts and undermines a judge’s duty to assist. A more objective and consistent standard when assessing the “reasonable” expectation held towards an SRL’s preparedness would be welcomed by both A2J advocates and SRLs themselves. And certainly simply referring to Pintea (something we have heard from SRLs) should not be seen as evidence of seeking an “unfair advantage”.

As a consequence of COVID-19, multiple and often changing adjustments to court procedures (which even many lawyers admit they find hard to follow and stay abreast of) raise even more procedural complexities and potential difficulties for SRLs. We hope that judges will take extra care to understand their duties under the CJC Principles to further ensure that SRLs are given appropriate judicial guidance and support.

10 thoughts on “Is the Pintea Decision Ensuring SRLs Are Given Appropriate Judicial Guidance and Support?

  1. Ross mennie says:

    This is a very good article and very accurate. I am a Professional Engineer (retired), I have been an SRL many time. I had great difficulty trying to get a lawyer interested in my cases and I had to meet deadlines.
    Indeed it is true that education/capability should not be an impediment to court assistance. I always did my homework for the benefit of the court. Why should I be penalized? My cases were straight foreword and my efforts made the proceedings more efficient but I never succeeded.

    Ross Mennie

  2. Lorelei Rogers says:

    Pintea addresses some issues experienced by SRL’s who identify as being SRL’s. It does not address barriers for those who have mental disabilities that interfere with memory, cognition, and learning who cannot self represent. While the Supreme Court enforces human rights for the disabled in all other venues, they themselves abdicate that responsibility in court. I should know, repeated requests for accommodation by the Court are denied. Even when I send a registered letter my request is again denied. If the judges will not role model the law as Officers of the Court, how can lawyers, who also have a duty as Officers of the Court???

  3. Allen says:

    Well I am going to say it again, many judges do not give a hoot about SCC decisions. It is a very bad idea for SRLS to even mention SCC decisions to these judges. Until each and every judge is made to be accountable for each and every decision they make as holder of the office we give them the privilege to hold.

    It seems very few if anyone is listening to SRLS about their encounters in our courts

  4. Marie Graff says:

    Is there a class action suit that can be brought against the Minister of Justice or the Attorney General for failing to meet their stated commitment to access to Justice and equality? If you can’t sue a judge, there are provisions within Canada to sue the government. The Minister of Justice and office of the Attorney General are actively advertising a commodity that either they don’t have or are not delivering. We pay fees for service provided through their offices and if what is delivered is not the thing purchased, are they culpable of fraud, public deception and false advertising. If you pay for a dog and you are delivered a cat, you have a claim of breach of contract. If the provider only sticks cats, that’s intentional deception. Do we have a class action suit to bring?
    Waiting and bemoaning, hoping and reasoning are not piercing the fog. The judiciary’s A2J is like a shell company. It is a place holder that has the appearance of being something but it is empty and inactive, yet untold sums of public money is spent in propping it up and branding it up, so much so that it appears to be a real thing, which it, in practice and review, is no more than the brand itself. We need to think of more direct action.

  5. You are completly right. As SLR in 5 cases since 2014, that I can tell you in Quebec it is worse than anywhere. Here the judges ignore completly and openly these principles and they do exactly the contrairy. And in 2018, I have submit an appeal to SCC based on these principles but the SCC decided to do not earing the case. The Quebec SLR are disciminated in Court based on the article 10 of “Charte québécoise des droits et liberté” that normaly protect QUEBEC SLR’S. The judges clearly abuse of their power again SLR. Some judges at the Superior Court apply Pintea principles may be 3 or 5 of them but the others don’t care about our rights and I have meet no judges at all at the Appeal Court care about our right too.
    All these lawyers are enpowered to become judges by the federal Judges Law. Until this law include solid protection for SLR’S nothing will change.
    And the goverments, responsable of the protection of SLR’S rights, do nothing realy effective and by doing that they do a major error and neglect against SLR’S rights. Since SCC PINTEA judgement 2017, these situation have created uncalculated losts for canadians SLR’S and I would like to create a class action against governments to recover these losts. And now I have to make an other Appeal to SCC against the worse decision I never had where they do discrimation and go clearely and completely in contradiction of their previous decisions and “de l’autorité de la chose jugé” because I have won against ” un recours en irrecevability” and consequently for the earing of the case.

  6. Chris Budgell says:

    I’ve just had a look at CanLII’s copy of the SCC’s Pintea decision and was surprised to find that it’s only five, single sentence, paragraphs. Then I had a look at the CJC’s Ethical Principles for Judges (from 2004) and could find almost nothing about self-represented litigants. There’s just one instance of “unrepresented party”.
    I want to take this opportunity though to mention something else. I’ve obtained a copy of the book Preventing Regulatory Capture – https://tobinproject.org/books-papers/preventing-capture – published in 2014. There are links there to the Introduction, the Conclusion and the Afterword as well as James Kwak’s chapter 4. I started with the printed book today, reading chapter 1. A copy is accessible on the author’s website at – http://www.williamjnovak.com/assets/novak_capture_chapter.pdf. I found it a bit of a challenge to read myself, but it was a most rewarding investment. I hope some other people will read it. Search first on the term “corrupt”. It finds 40 instances, of which 29 are “corruption”. He’s essentially saying that the term “regulatory capture”, which will mean nothing to 99% of the population, is synonymous with “corruption”, which everyone understands.

  7. Marie Graff says:

    Yves, budgell and others, if you have a decision that clearly violates the rule of law and is within the last two year limitation period, please respond to Graff – for now through this Nsrlp blog. I am working toward an independent form of names and issues gathering. Thanks, let’s act. Pull the stats and form a movement.

    1. Chris Budgell says:

      I appreciate everyone’s passion for going after the government in court. I’ve tried that. I named then B.C. Attorney General (and former Court of Appeal justice) Wally Oppal – https://www.boughtonlaw.com/people/wally-oppal/ – in an action claiming that a statute provision had been illegally and surreptitiously amended by an office within the Ministry of Attorney General (years though before Mr. Oppal became the Attorney General). How did a Court of Appeal judge step off the bench into the role of A.G.? When he failed to get elected a second time as an MLA there was a media report that he was lobbying the premier to make him Chief Judge of the Provincial Court (a position then vacant). He’s still practising law and getting government commissions.
      There’s much reason for hope however. The entire agglomeration of insider-run agencies is subjecting itself to death by a thousand cuts.
      One example is the Canadian Judicial Council. They have no plan to save themselves. I recommend to everyone who reads this signing this e-petition – https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3014. What it recommends doesn’t go far enough, but it will receive an airing in the House of Commons and the government will have to respond.

  8. Marie says:

    Budgell I am confused. You tried to sue him when he was a Justice in the court of appeal in BC?

    1. Chris Budgell says:

      No. He was a Supreme Court judge for about 18 years and then a Court of Appeal judge for two or three years. In 2005 Premier Gordon Campbell enticed him to retire from the bench and run for election in a safe seat so he could become Attorney General. There was some – but rather weak – commentary about this in the press. I later wrote to him about what I had uncovered regarding the conduct of the Legislative Counsel Office in surreptitiously amending section 13 of the Labour Relations Code – which had happened back in the nineties. So I wasn’t saying he had been involved in that, but I wanted some action on his part.
      I was a bit surprised to receive a letter from him in which he said I didn’t know what I was talking about and he recommended where I might go to get some education. So I commenced an action for “misfeasance in public office”. I named him because he was the A.G. and had received information from me on which he refused to take any action. Perhaps I should have realized at the time that I would get nowhere with this action. In the hearing the government’s counsel basically dictated to the judge the judgment she then issued: https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2007/2007bcsc991/2007bcsc991.html. Have a look at the Conclusion.
      And take a look at the Honourable Wally Oppal’s profile in the link I provided above. I don’t see any mention of his two decades on the bench there. It is mentioned in his Wikipedia entry.

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