The National Self-Represented Litigants Project staff and student research assistants are delighted to congratulate our Director and founder, Dr. Julie Macfarlane, on her induction into the Order of Canada. NSRLP rests on the foundation of Julie’s pioneering research on self-representation in Canada, and every day we strive to follow her untiring example by putting the public at the centre of all efforts to improve the justice system. Self-represented litigants from across the country regularly reach out to tell us how much impact Julie and her work have made on them. Julie is a champion for access to justice, and she continues to take the NSRLP to new heights. We continuously see the effect of her work, through changing attitudes in the justice system, in the esteem of her colleagues and the self-represented community, and in the incredible impact she makes on us every single day, professionally and personally. We cannot imagine a more deserving recipient of this highly prestigious honour. Congratulations Julie!

See below for a personal message from Julie, thanking all of you who have contributed to her work on Access to Justice:

See also this story and video on Julie’s appointment to the Order of Canada in the Windsor Star.

One thought on “Julie Macfarlane receives Order of Canada!

  1. Delmer B. Martin says:

    Congratulations to Ms. Macfarlane on receiving the ORDER OF CANADA. As SRL’s and now also advocates for genuine and real Justice , our hearts and our minds have rallied around one who has so boldly and courageously spoke so much truth about our so called justice system. Let me be the first to thank Dr. Macfarlane on this blog for her excellent ability to stick-handle her way through all the “Cloward and Pivon” strategies which have been created to divide our society. It is with deep respect that I support Dr. Macfarlane’s effort in advocating for genuine justice at a fair price, and most of all for acknowledging who the justice system is actually supposed to be serving. I consider Dr. Macfarlane somewhat of an “insider” due to her university position but she is a True Leader speaking the truth to power while being in the minority so we the common people are happy to support her efforts in exposing the truth about the rampant corruption of the elite of our so called justice system. Things must change and they will, when the majority become motivated and involved…I am a senior and my favorite verse in the Bible is found at John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ” I will go to my death believing in this! My deepest Respect and Congratulations to a leader who is actually on the side of “the people” , and THIS ORDER OF CANADA AWARD will go down is history as being one of Provincial and National substance.
    Best Regards;
    Delmer B. Martin
    Delmer B. Martin

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