One of our new research assistants, Krysten Bortolotti, recently came across the amazing work of Margaret Hagan. Before going to Stanford Law School in 2010, Margaret worked on human rights and minority issues and became increasingly drawn to the idea of using design as a means of empowering these groups and expressing their needs. When Margaret started law school, she immediately saw the potential for design to enable better access to justice, especially for the huge number of Americans who cannot afford lawyers.

We-Have-Twin-Crises-in-Law- Margaret Hagain

The question Margaret’s work is posing is: How do we use design to make human-centred law more accessible, useful and engaging? “There’s a whole universe to be cracked open and explored, especially communication with clients,” says Hagan. “People want timelines, flow charts, and don’t want to confront huge amounts of text.”

We are hoping to develop some collaborative design projects with Margaret over the coming months – so stay tuned. For more information about Margaret Hagan’s work, go to

Here is a taster…



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