Here at the NSRLP we’ve been very busy this spring with new SRL resources, podcasts, blogs, and appearances at conferences and events around the country. We are in need of a little breather to get caught up on other important operational and administrative work. We will therefore be closed from July 22 – August 12 – to first enjoy our holidays, and then to spend some time preparing for a busy fall. During this period, we will quiet our social media, take a hiatus from our podcast and blog, and won’t be responding as quickly to messages, so if you contact us during this time, please keep this in mind. We will also be doing important and much needed website maintenance, so please bear with us if you visit our site and you come across a few glitches or a “this website is in maintenance mode” notification . This may occur off and on over the three weeks, but we promise you our website will not be down for too long.

Thank you for your patience during this time.

Julie and the NSRLP Team

4 thoughts on “NSRLP Summer Closure

  1. Thank you for all your hard work Julie and the team…so much goes on behind the scenes that people can never realize is required when trying to change the status quo.

  2. Allen says:

    Enjoy and rejuvenate

  3. Ron says:

    Thank you Julie enjoy the down time 🙂

  4. sandra olson says:

    enjoy and relax everyone,, however,, if when you return you would consider this story, i feel it is attempting to make litigants who have been declared vexatious all lumped into one group referred to or at least suggested,, to be “looney. it is page A4 of the vancouver sun,,,tuesday july 23, 2019, it is written by Ian Mulgrew. And tells an interesting story about a man who has a history of complaints against the court, being jailed,, declared vexatious,, and so must be crazy, I have found when this is done,, it is to show disregard for all who have been declared so,, and to suggest that everyone who is declared vexatious,, is by that term “crazy”, If anyone would like to pull it up,, its title is Undaunted, eccentric vows to litigate onward. enjoy,

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