We are delighted to announce that NSRLP’s CanLII Primer – which has received rave reviews, including from CanLll themselves – is now available in French. The translation was commissioned by CanLll immediately after the launch of the English version this summer. Click here for both versions.
President of CanLll Xavier Beauchamp-Tremblay says:
“We are so excited to have been able to help make the CanLII Primer available for Francophone Canadians. CanLII is a valuable tool in access to justice and the CanLII Primer helps self represented litigants to access it in an effective way.”
“Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir pu contribuer à la traduction du “Guide d’introduction à CanLII” afin de rendre cette ressource disponible aux Canadiens francophones. CanLII est un outil précieux dans la lutte pour un plus grand accès à la justice et le Guide est susceptible d’aider les parties non représentées par avocat à utiliser efficacement cette ressource.”