Julie Macfarlane of the University of Windsor says that more than half the people heading into a family court in Canada today are doing so without a lawyer. In most cases, that’s because these individuals cannot afford those services….


2 thoughts on “CBC Radio Windsor Morning – Make affordable legal representation an election issue, prof says

  1. sandra olson says:

    if access to justice is a charter right,, then it needs to be freely accessable to all. and this process of having the self represented labeled as vexatious needs to end. trying to hear from the self represented may not be as easy as from lawyers,, but if you want lawyers everywhere, then make sure legal representation is held as the RIGHT that it is. it is a charter right. and should be as it is meant to be,. freely available to all.

  2. sandra olson says:

    I got an e mail from a website this morning on the topic of when sometimes judges GET IT WRONG. I posted a comment,,, but they are refusing to post it, as I said, the judicial system doesn’t like hearing criticisms. I basically have said that when people get it wrong, the courts do not care, they are penalized. but now the courts say if THEY get it wrong, they are just being human and shouldn’t be penalized for it. the double standard is alive and well here in Canada. once again, classically, self regulation does not work.

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