Sherry MacLennan, Director of Public Legal Information at BC Legal Aid

This week Julie talks to Sherry MacLennan, Director of Public Legal Information and Applications at British Columbia Legal Aid. Sherry and Julie talk about the hugely successful and ground-breaking website MyLawBC, which is changing the way people in the province access the justice system, and is making waves around the world. In other news: Ontario’s Attorney General visits Windsor Law; the new federal budget includes (some) money for the justice system; and another horrifying not guilty verdict in a murder trial involving a First Nations Canadian victim.

Related Links:


NSRLP’s blog post from the launch of the MyLawBC website

Ontario AG visits Windsor Law (AM800)

New federal budget includes some money for justice system (CBA)

Human rights lawyers call for appeal of Coulten Boushie verdict (CBC)

Toronto protesters demand justice for Tina Fontaine (Toronto Star)

4 thoughts on “Legal Aid on Your iPhone

  1. sandra olson says:

    i am pleased to see that you can obtain legal aid in this manner. does that mean there is more funding for legal aid? I have not heard of any additional funding. I would also like to ask if any improvements to legal aid will have any bearing on the corruption in the operations of the courts? The trend to summary judgements and vexatious labeling to rid the courts of anyone they find annoying and or unrepresented? saying that you have improved your access, without any further funding or changes in court behavior is really not going to be an improvement. look forward to your response
    thank you
    Sandra olson

  2. hello Sandra,
    funding for legal aid varies province by province. In BC, we anticipate a significant increase to our funding for the first time in many years. The courts work best when both sides to a dispute have fair representation, to which an adequately funded legal aid plan contributes.

  3. Riyaad says:

    Would like to have advice about late estates

    1. NSRLP says:

      Hello, NSRLP is not able to provide legal advice, but you may want to check our Directory of Professionals Assisting SRLs (under “initiatives – national directory”) to see if there is someone near you who can provide reasonably priced legal help on this matter. While we don’t specifically have any guides on our site about estates, you may find other guides under our “srl resources” tab that may be helpful. Finally, CLEO’s excellent site, could also provide some answers. (It is specific to Ontario.)

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