Mark your calendars for the release of a brand-new podcast: Jumping Off the Ivory Tower with Prof Julie Mac! Starting September 18th, we will release weekly episodes that tackle topics from across the social justice universe. Naturally, we’ll often feature issues related to SRLs and Access to Justice, but in the first dozen episodes we’re also taking on topics such as sexual violence, racism and Islamophobia, disability rights, and legal education, to name a few.

Hosted by NSRLP Director Julie Macfarlane and Project Coordinator Dayna Cornwall, each episode will feature Julie’s conversation with a special guest. We have already recorded conversations with some wonderful people!

The podcast will focus on individuals whose ideas, experiences and passions have driven them to make important contributions to advancing social justice. It will be a platform to showcase some of the important work going on both in Canada and internationally. As with all NSRLP projects, we hope to spark further discussion and engagement, and bring attention to these topics.

Watch our Twitter and Facebook feeds for further information and the release of our first episode, and look for Jumping Off the Ivory Tower with Prof Julie Mac on SoundCloud, iTunes, or whichever podcast app you use, very soon!

Dayna Cornwall, Project Coordinator

Julie Macfarlane and Dayna Cornwall in a recording session.

2 thoughts on “NSRLP Launching Social Justice Podcast!

  1. Koba says:

    Oh! what a wonderful move of the SRLP! Thanks for launching this project. In my previous communications with NSRLP, I wondered whether it could expand its coverage from family law issues to social justice issues as well. I am happy that the NSRLP took this initiative. If possible, looking for ways to contribute in this endeavour!

  2. sandra olson says:

    may I suggest one topic? dna testing and the industry generally. some things I have discovered over the last many years are. They are not regulated. never have been. it is a legal requirement under the federal evidence act that in order for expert witness evidence to be entered into the court, it needs to be a regulated industry. Accredited does not matter. it does not ever indicate if they were ever inspected, what was inspected, how it is obligated to report and or investigate errors etc. nothing. This industry is also not supported by any clinical trials to support their accuracy claims. Their claims of accuracy are based on a mathematical formula, but they are all based on supposition. If we asked the labs now, how many tests they run in a year, and how many are wrong. No one will answer. No one ever has. IF a test comes back, most lawyers and most judges have no idea what any of the report means. They can only read the line at the bottom, included or excluded. If no one understands what is being said, how can you cross examine the evidence?? You can’t. The potential risk to the public is immense, Since our identity. freedom, and our rights rest on something of this nature, why is it that no one has seen clear to ensure some regulation here. And a whole lot more transparency and accountability.

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